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Showing posts from June, 2020


God gives you an axe,not because he wants you to cut grasses but because he wants you to cut down trees Those natural things you do without learning the skills are your natural potentials that you should use to recreate your world. Because tied to your self Discovery is your esteem.


Someone was asked what his great source of fraustration is he said "people",he also was asked what  his greatest source of Joy is and  he said "people".well,some may not get the clear picture of what the man was trying to say,but here is what I know you'll understand.... No matter how big your dreams are and how planned out you think you can be about accomplishing the dream,you'll find out later in life that you'll only accomplish just 30% of it alone. Now,what about the 70%?, is tied to the networking you made...yes, exactly!. It has everything to do with the people you know that can help you get to the top of the ladder. Oh you think the saying "no man is an island" is a mere talk? No it's not. You won't succeed alone,no man has,and non will ever. Don't get me wrong here,I don't mean it all must have to be people from the beginning,first you start with the vision,you refine it and bring it out to the light then then pe...


There are times you will sit, prolly thinking deep about what you really amount to especially where you have been to. Inner critic is really hard on everyone,and it won't give up till you either give in or stand stronger to overcome it... The thought of not feeling useful will kill your esteem and keep you in your shell,and keep criticising your every movement Reunite with yourself and embrace what you want to believe,not what that mind pushes you to